My granddaddy once told me that when our DREAMS are big enough that the odds don't matter. Well, here I am all these years later now shouting from the rooftops, "Dare to Dream!" That's right! Dare to dream and don't be afraid to even dream with your eyes wide-open.
You see, any dreaming is better than no dreaming. However, dreaming with your eyes wide-open is way more powerful than most people realize. The dreaming we do at night with our eyes closed shut usually results in us waking up back to our old reality, in the same place, where not much has changed.
Sweet Dreams |
Dreaming with our eyes wide-open, a thing that some may call daydreaming or visualization, will many times end up creating a consciousness that is much closer to what we want our reality to be. You see, at night we are just dreaming without taking action. Dreaming during the day, however, happens with our eyes wide-open. We are awake, and because we are awake we can consciously move toward our dreams.
I'm sure a lot of us know people who are dreamers. And the funny thing is that many people talk about these dreamers like their dreaming is a negative thing. Dreaming is not a negative thing. Quite to the contrary my friend, daydreaming is a very positive thing, and so are dreamers. And the bigger the dreams, the better! Now, I'm not saying that we all should walk around all day with our heads in the clouds. In reality, we all know that we have to get our work done, and do what we have to do, right? However, we are not working all day long, nonstop. And when we aren't working, what's wrong with daring to dream?
We can still be that great person that we used to dream about when we were younger, more imaginative, and more daring.
Now teens, go learn, lead, and lay the way to a better world for all of us.
Dare to Dream! And once again, thanks in advance for all that you do, and all that you will do...
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